Retired Girls
Penny is mother, grandmother, great grandmother, great, great grandmother and great, great, great (!) grandmother to many of the pups here at Aspen Hill Doodles. She's a Golden Retriever. She sadly passed over the rainbow bridge when she was 15. At that age she still actively participated in raising our pups. She is Luna and Gucci's mom (see below on this page). Penny is one
of those dogs that never needed to be formally trained, she seemed
to have been born with good manners. We just showed her what we'd
like her to do, and she did it. She also acted as interpreter for
some of the other animals in the house, if someone needed something
(like to go out), and they didn't know how to communicate that to
us, Penny told us. She was incredible! Some of her siblings were the
same way. She was a super mom, and grandma and produced
some wonderful puppies! She is Bindi, Maggie and Botza's grandma, Naiya's, Granby's and Rio's great grandma, and Casey Bear's and Rusty's great, great grandma. She is Mango's great, great, great grandma, and Winnie's great, great, great, great grandma. You'll find these dogs below and on our PARENT DOGS page.

Penny |
Luna is
one of Penny's (see above) puppies. She's a Golden Retriever. She loves everybody
and if you're not careful, she'll try to creep up into your lap.
She is happy and likes to be silly, and she's always ready to play.
She really enjoys carrying things and she teaches us to pick up
our socks because if we don't, she will! One time her mouth was
extra full and we counted 10 socks! When she finds things around
the house she carefully brings them to drop into the puppy box for
the pups to explore. She is Lulu and Bindi's mom (see below), and also Maggie's mom and Naiya's grandma and Casey Bear and Rusty's great grandma, and Mango's great, great grandma (on our PARENT DOGS page). Her coat is a lustrous red that shimmers in the sunlight.
She has retired to her family and is using her puppy raising skills
to help raise her new human baby! |

Luna |
Maggie is one of Luna's puppies (see above). She's a Golden Retriever. Her father is an English Golden Retriever, born in Europe who comes from completely different bloodlines than Luna. Maggie is very healthy and has the sweet, obedient temperament that is characteristic of our golden retrievers. Like Luna she loves her toys and she is gentle with them, carrying them everywhere. She lives in a loving guardian home and her favorite place to be is in the middle of the family activity, especially with her human mom. She's a beautiful girl, with a strong, blocky structure. She's happily retired with her human family. |

Maggie |
Hallie is a beautiful,
sweet girl. Sunshine (see below) and Rio (on our PARENT DOGS page) are her daughters. Kaya, Kyle and Buckster are her grandpuppies, Mango and Moonlight are her great-grandpuppies (see below and on our PARENT DOGS page). She loves to play and carry her leash as a reminder
that she's available for walks! She's smart! When she picks up her
leash she "stacks" it together so that there are no long
dangling pieces! She's not allowed on the furniture, but early in
the morning she makes her best effort to slip undetected up under
the bed covers with her guardian! Her mother's bloodlines are purely
American, her dad's purely European so that her lines are diverse,
contributing to her robust good health. She is living out a happy retirement here in Lakewood, Colorado.

Hallie |
Deja is
our beautiful honey gold colored Golden Retriever. She is as sweet as she looks. As far
as she's concerned everyone is her friend. She loves to go camping
and sleep in the tent on her own sleeping bag. She adores her squeaky
toys. When she plays in the snow she rolls in it, and buries her
face, and eats it! She's very curious and always keeps an eye on
everyone in her guardian family. She produced some beautiful puppies with her happy spirit! Gracie (see below) is one of her pups. Sawyer is her grandson (on our PARENT DOGS page). Fanny his her great-granddaughter. Deja has retired in comfort to her guardian home. |

Deja |
April is is always smiling, and wagging her beautiful
tail. She's a Golden Retriever. She loves everyone, even
the mail man! She’s calm and patient in the house, playful
and energetic outside. She loves to roll in the snow, and play fetch.
She walks beautifully on her leash, you almost can't feel that she's
on the other end! She comes from diverse American bloodlines with
a long history of good health and temperament. She's had some beautiful, smart pups! Phoebe and Allie (see below) are both her pups. Granby and Emma are both her grandpups (see below) and Zinnia and Hazel Moonlight are her great-granddaughters (on our PARENT DOGS page). She is happily retired with her family and enjoying swims in the river near her home. |

Allie is April's daughter (see above). Her father is a handsome, gentle English Golden Retriever, born in Europe lending to the diversity in her bloodlines. Granby and Emma are her daughters (below) and Zinnia and Hazel Moonlight are her granddaughters (on our PARENT DOGS page). She knows how to get the most petting by rolling on her back and giving a silly, toothy smile. She has her mom's beautiful looks and calm demeanor. When her family is out, she patiently waits by the front window, resting her head on the windowsill as she watches them coming home. She chases the rabbits and squirrels in her garden as if playing tag, never really trying to catch them. When her favorite people come to visit, she'll wag and quietly sing a low, doggy welcome. Her guardians say she is the sweetest dog they have ever known, and just wonderful with their young daughter. She loves to play with other dogs. Her son Frankie has joined her in a happy retirement. |

Allie |
Beautiful Koda is a typical sweet and tolerant Golden Retriever. She is Fanny's mother. She particularly enjoys the snow! She loves to bury her head in it, to the amusement of her family. She is steady and unafraid of things that might give other dogs pause. She is energetic and demonstrative with her affection, freely giving kisses! She's very good with small children and older folks and everyone in-between. She's playful and good at fetch. She was the star student in her training classes. She has good leash manners and loves to go on hikes in the mountains! She is happily retired with her family. |

Koda |
Stella is a loving dog, she's always eager to please. She takes treats gently from your hand, even if she's hungry. She almost never barks, unless she feels there's a threat, and then she's ready to protect her family. She is energetic when it's time to go for a walk or hike, but happy to lounge around the house when lounging is on the agenda. She's a good cuddler, especially when it's time to watch a movie. She's got excellent manners, staying in the parts of the house where she knows she's allowed, and only going potty in the potty area of her yard. She is the trusty companion of her four year old human "brother", cuddling with him, playing fetch, and listening attentively while he sings original songs that he creates for her. People remark about her beauty and sweetness. She loves meeting new folks and playing with her dog friends. She's enjoying her retirement with her family. |

Stella |
Gucci is our Medium F1 Goldendoodle. She is the daughter of Penny (see above) and Tino (see below). You can see a photo of her when she was a pup with the rest
of her litter, on our PUPPIES page. She has retired to her guardian
home. She's still an energetic bundle of happiness, and a popular
visitor to the dog park. She could be trusted alone in the house
well before she turned a year. She loves to take long hikes with
her family and cool herself in the creek on hot summer days. She's
great at playing fetch and can outrun much bigger dogs! She has
a soft fleece coat which is completely non-shedding. She produced
some amazing puppies! She is Botza's mom. She is Rio and Granby's grandma. |

Gucci |
Lulu is Luna (see above) and Tino's daughter (Tino is below). She is a Medium F1 Goldendoodle. You can see her as a pup with the other
pups from her litter on our PUPPIES page. She can be playful like
Luna and comical like Tino but she's mostly like her grandma Penny
with an incredibly sweet, intuitive personality. She has a soft non-shedding fleece coat.
She's the perfect size to snuggle on the couch or go for a walk.
When she's out people stop to admire her. She loves people and her
big "sister" who is a Golden Retriever. Her guardian mom retired at the same time she did and they've moved to Florida where they're enjoying the warm weather!

Lulu |
Gracie is Deja and Cloudy's daughter (see above and below). She is Sawyer's mom (on our PARENT DOGS page). She is a Medium F1 Goldendoodle. You can see her as a pup with the other
pups from her litter on our PUPPIES page. She has a lovely soft coat and is smart as a whip! She has earned her Canine Good Citizen certificate and her obedience Rally Novice title. She's also learning Agility. Like her dad, she enjoys watching TV, especially the animal shows and she's a wonderful fetcher! She gets along well with the two resident bunnies in her guardian home. Just like Deja, she is very friendly. You can also see her on our HOME page, having fun in the snow! |

Bindi is Luna (see above) and Strawberry's (see below) daughter. She's a Standard F1 Goldendoodle. You can see Bindi as a pup with the other
pups from her litter on our PUPPIES page. She is happily living out her retirement with her guardian family. She is a sweet, active dog. She's the soccer team mascot, and has the jersey to prove it! She enjoys jogging in the foothills with her guardian high schooler, she loves people and dogs and chasing the wild rabbits that come to nibble her front lawn. She knows the rhythms of the family and goes to the front door when it's time for the kids to come home from school, and to her bed almost before her guardians realize that they're headed in that direction themselves! She is playful and happy but she knows her obedience and is very well behaved. She is Naiya's mom, and Casey Bear and Rusty's grandma, and Mango's great grandma (on our PARENT DOGS page). |

Bindi |
Phoebe is April’s daughter.You can see April above. Her father is a white standard poodle. She's a Standard F1 Goldendoodle. She’s a beautiful girl with a silky soft coat. You can see her as a puppy with the other pups in her litter on our PUPPIES page. She is extremely affectionate, especially with children. She adores lying on the floor with them to read books and she loves to watch TV, especially the morning news. She is playful with other dogs and also respectful. When she’s riding in the car she'll watch for cows and horses in the pastures. She’s very clever with her paws, she lies on her back and tosses her toys in the air and catches them too! She likes to hold hands! Her pups are as sweet as she is. She has retired with her guardian who works at a vet clinic. Phoebe loves to go to work and greet the clients. |

Phoebe |
Sunshine is the daughter of Hallie (see above) and a Jasper (see below). She's a Standard F1 Goldendoodle. She's a happy sweet dog. You can see a photo of her with the other pups from her litter on our PUPPIES page. She’s intelligent and well behaved. She taught herself how to carefully unzip her crate…. so she can be nearer her family! She’s athletic and although she lives in an area that is thick with desert cactus, she runs freely and has never gotten a cactus spine in her foot! She loves to play with other dogs, her doggy-day-care says she’s the best play companion they have! She has retired to a quiet life with her guardian family. She is Kaya and Kyle and Buckster's mom, and she Mango and Hazel Moonlight and Zinnia's grandma (see below and on our PARENT DOGS page). |

Sunshine |
Kaya is Sunshine (see above) and Milo's (see our PARENT DOGS page) daughter. She's a Medium F1B Goldendoodle. She is Kyle's full sister (see Kyle on our PARENT DOGS page). She is Mango's mother. You can see her as a pup with the other
pups from her litter towards the bottom of our PUPPIES page. She was very sweet and a fast learner. She was attentive when her family was talking, quickly understanding commands. She learned to heel in one session! She helped raise her new human "puppy" whom she adored. She was so gentle with him and let his mom know if he was crying in his crib, making sure that mom hurried to help him. She also loved her older dog "brother" and would bring him the ball to play, or come running if he squeaked a toy. She sometimes slept with him in his bed. She always enjoyed hiking and walks in the park. One of her favorite things was to climb into her guardian's lap, and sprawl out comfortably for a belly rub. Sadly she passed over the rainbow bridge, way too soon, after an accident. She is dearly missed. |

Kaya |
Naiya (Pronounced "N-eye-ya")
Naiya is one of Bindi's puppies, her father is Tino. You can see Bindi and Tino on this page. She's a Miniature F1B Goldendoodle.You can see Naiya with the rest of her litter towards the bottom of the PUPPIES page. Naiya is a delightful happy dog with her great grandma Penny's sensitive, loving nature and her dad's clownish, silly side. Her coat is as soft as chenille. She loves to let her head fall back so she can look at you upside-down, then she'll try to wriggle and wiggle up into your lap. She can run like the wind. She is quick and smart and cheerfully obedient. She gets very interested when there are animals on TV! She is Casey Bear and Rusty's mom. She is Mango's grandma. (see them on our PARENT DOGS page). She's enjoying the role of being a grandma in her retirement, helping to raise the puppies that arrive here at Aspen Hill.

Naiya |
Granby is a miniature F1 Goldendoodle Retriever. Allie (see above) and Botza's (see our PARENT DOGS page) daughter. She is a smart girl! She rings the bell when she wants to go outside, and like her great-grandma Penny, she helps her dog sister by ringing the bell for her sister! Whether her sister wants to go outside or come back in, Granby rings the bell for her, from inside the house. Also, like Penny, when she's happy, especially when her family comes home, she will carry her toy, or sometimes two toys at a time, and chortle and wag and run to everyone as she excitedly shares her joy. She is willing and does not need treats to be trained. She is sweetly polite and waits to be invited up on the furniture. She's loving and cuddly and gives double arm hugs to her human dad when he holds her, putting her head on his shoulder. She likes sleeping-in, but she likes yogurt more and will get out of bed when she hears it being opened in the morning. Her favorite toy is her blue stuffed penguin. She's enjoying her retirement at home with her family in Golden. |

Granby |
Rio is Hallie, and Botza's (on this page) daughter. She is a Miniature F1 Goldendoodle Retriever. You can see her with her brothers and sisters at mealtime towards the bottom of our PUPPIES page. She is as darling, sweet and soft as she looks in her photos. She resembles a frolicking lamb when she plays: leaping and bounding and hopping. She loves to cuddle and she gives hugs! She's super smart and gentle with kids and babies and seniors. She's always been obedient and easy to train. She loves to fetch, just like Botza! She can be a little bashful. She melts people's hearts and is such fun to be around! She's enjoying her retirement in the company of her "sister" Koda (above). |

Rio |
Mango is a Miniature F1B Australian Goldendoodle. She weighs 25 pounds. She is the daughter of Kaya and Rusty. She is Naiya, Sunshine and Milo's granddaughter; Tino, Bindi, Hallie and Jasper's great-granddaughter; Luna and Strawberry's great-great-granddaughter, and Penny's great-great-great-granddaughter! (see below and on our RETIRED DOGS page). She is Winnie's mom (see our PARENT DOGS page). She is a happy, social dog who enjoys the people around her. She has many human fans. Her dog-walker describes her as having the most joyful and happy soul of all of the dogs in her pack. She is thrilled when it snows and is a master at doing tuck-and-runs in the freshly fallen snow. She also loves to snuggle up in her bed in front of the fireplace. She attentively watches TV with her guardian, preferring shows that include animals, but she's been known to watch Rockies baseball games, Verizon commercials and Ellen! She adores all of her toys, and cherishes them, rather than destroys them. You can see Mango with the rest of her litter towards the bottom of the PUPPIES page. She is happily retired in her guardian home. |

Emma is a Standard F1 Goldendoodle. She is Allie and Waffles' lovely daughter (see her parents on this page below, and on our RETIRED DOGS page.) April is her grandma (see above). She is Moonlight's mother (see our PARENT DOGS page). You can see Emma with her siblings towards the bottom of the PUPPIES page. She is an incredibly caring, and aware dog, sensing when her people are happy or sad, and always being there for them. She enjoys all ages of humans and dogs, understanding when she needs to be especially gentle with little ones. If she wants to go outside, she waits politely by the door, quietly making eye contact when her guardian passes by. To come in, she asks with one soft bark, and then sits lady-like, waiting by the door. She loves to get her full spa treatment every 60 days on Larimer Street. She travels frequently with her guardian, preferring to stay at the Hilton! In the summer she loves going for swims in lakes and in the San Juan River. She's good at playing catch with her tennis or cricket balls and playing tug with her guardian's climbing rope. She is enjoying her retirement with her guardian. |
Winnie is the daughter of Mango and Yoda. Kaya and Rusty are her grandparents. She has happily gone into retirement. See the end of this description for more of her Aspen Hill relatives. She is an avid snuggler and she loves to dig and bury herself into freshly-laundered sheets. She enjoys being chased by dogs at the park, and never tires of trying to outrun someone. She adores walks in the neighborhood and is always excited to see her human and fur friends. She will sit to wait in their front yards, hoping they come out to play. One of her best friends is a black, long haired cat named "Rudy". She is an enthusiastic collector of sticks, the bigger the better; which she carries home over long distances. She's also a focused sock collector, just like her great-great-great-grandma Luna! She is a delightful little girl! You can see Winnie with her brothers and sisters towards the bottom of the PUPPIES page.
Here are a few more of Winnie's relatives: Winnie is Winston's half sister. She is Naiya, Sunshine and Milo's great-granddaughter. She's Tino, Bindi, Hallie and Jasper's great-great granddaughter. She's Luna and Strawberry's great-great-great granddaughter. and Penny's great-great-great-great granddaughter! You can see all of her relatives on this page or on our PARENT DOGS page. |
Some of our older boys are enjoying semi-retirement in their guardian homes. They will occasionally come out of semi-retirement to sire a litter for us.
Tino is our first poodle.
When he joined our family he was 8 weeks old and only weighed 3
pounds! We can't believe how much dog we've gotten in such a small
package! He's acrobatic and loves to be up on the back of the couch
with the cat. Nobody told him that he's little, so he plays with
the big dogs and keeps them on their toes. We had heard that many
red poodles have health problems due to inbreeding (red is a tricky
color to breed). Tino isn't inbred, you have to go back 4 generations
to find another red dog in his pedigree, his genes were carried
along by silver and black dogs. As a pup he was a lovely deep red
color, he has matured to a beautiful dark apricot. His pups are
light apricot/gold to a deep red and often have a white spot on
their chest. He is the father of Gucci and Lulu (see above) and Naiya (see our PARENT DOGS page). He's Botza's, Casey Bear's, and Rusty's grandpa (see our PARENT DOGS page). He's Granby, Mango'sand Rio's great-grandfather (see our PARENT DOGS page). Our dogs from his line have his loyal, cheerful disposition.
Breed: Miniature Poodle
Color: Red
Weight: 14 pounds
Height: 14 inches
Hips: OFA - Good (finals)
Eyes: CERF – Normal
Progressive Retinal Atrophy prcd type (prcd_PRA) - Optigen - Clear
Elbows: OFA - Normal (finals)
Heart: Cardiologist - OFA – Normal
Thyroid: OFA - Normal
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease: OFA - Normal
vonWillebrand's Disease (vWD) - VetGen - Clear
Patella: OFA -
Normal |


Milo is
a star in his world. Technically he’s a Standard Poodle but
he comes from Miniature Poodle bloodlines. He earned his AKC Canine
Good Citizen Award and does well in Agility. He loves to fetch.
Trying to retrieve snowballs is one of his favorite games. He’s
very sweet and adores being held, then he lies his head down on
his human mom’s chest like a sleepy baby. He is from Wales,
we are excited to bring his European bloodlines into our program! Milo is Kyle's and Kaya's dad and Mango's, Hazel Moonlight and Zinnia's granddad (see our PARENT DOGS page).
Breed: Standard Poodle (small)
Color: Red (BBee)
Weight: 17 pounds
Height: 16 inches
Hips: OFA - Excellent (finals)
Eyes: CERF – Normal
Progressive Retinal Atrophy prcd type (prcd_PRA) - Optigen - Clear
Elbows: OFA - Normal (finals)
Heart: Cardiologist - OFA – Normal
Thyroid: OFA - Normal
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease: OFA - Normal
vonWillebrand's Disease (vWD) - VetGen - Clear
Patella: OFA -
Sebaceous Adenitis (skin disorder - SA): OFA - Normal


Ximo ("Zemo")
Ximo is smart and quick.
He loves to play fetch and never seems to run out of energy. He
is well behaved and finished his obedience classes with ease. He's
so bright that he can recognize where we are when we're riding in
the car, especially when we're almost "there". He gets
along well with other dogs and kids. Ximo is Botza's father (see our PARENT DOGS page).
Breed: Miniature Poodle
Color: Red
Weight: 13 pounds
Height: 14 inches
Hips: OFA - Good (preliminary)
Eyes: CERF – Normal
Progressive Retinal Atrophy prcd type (prcd_PRA) - Optigen - Clear
Thyroid: OFA - Normal
vonWillebrand's Disease (vWD) - VetGen - Clear
Patella: OFA -
Normal |


Bentley is an affectionate Standard Poodle who adores his family and his doodle brother. He's playful and looks forward to trips to the dog park where he loves to be the leader in games of chase. He runs with long, bounding, effortless strides. He loves to be held and one of his favorite resting places is outside on the hanging bed. He has a soft, curly coat. Bentley enjoys rides in the car and camping with his family and weekend trips to Starbucks. He likes to watch TV, especially shows with dogs!
Breed: Standard Poodle
Color: Red (Bbee)
Weight: 60 pounds
Height: 25 inches
Hips: OFA - Good (finals)
Eyes: CERF – Normal
Elbows: OFA - Normal (finals)
Heart: Cardiologist - OFA – Normal
Thyroid: OFA - Normal
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease: OFA - Normal
vonWillebrand's Disease (vWD) - Clear by parentage
Patella: OFA -
Sebaceous Adenitis (skin disorder - SA): OFA - Normal

Waffles is an athletic, happy dog who is both playful and gentle with kids and cats and other dogs. He is Allie's and Emma's dad (see above), and Hazel Moonlight and Zinnia's grandpa (on our PARENT DOGS page) . He came to us from Canada when he was a puppy, bringing more diversity into our bloodlines. People remark about what a mellow dog he is. He has good manners and he loves to play fetch and hide and seek with his family. He is a strong runner and has a beautiful natural trot. Sometimes his perceptiveness almost makes him seem human. His guardian jokes "he likes to make breakfast for us on Sundays.... simple stuff... toast, juice, maybe a little fruit..." Seriously, he's a clever boy!
Breed: Standard Poodle
Color: Red (Bbee)
Weight: 54 pounds
Height: 24 inches
Hips: OFA - Fair (finals)
Eyes: OFA – Normal
Elbows: OFA - Normal (finals)
Heart: Cardiologist - OFA – Normal
Thyroid: OFA - Normal
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease: OFA - Normal
vonWillebrand's Disease (vWD) - VetGen - Clear
Patella: OFA -
Sebaceous Adenitis (skin disorder - SA): OFA - Normal |


Botza (Pronounced "Boat-sa")
Botza is our friendly, happy Miniature F1B Goldendoodle.Gucci is his mom and and Ximo is his dad (see Gucci above). He is Rio's and Granby's dad (see above). You can see a photo of him as a puppy with the rest of his litter on our PUPPIES page. He has a lovely, soft, curly wool coat. He is charming and clever and tilts his head to listen when he's spoken to, understanding words like "dog park" and the names of his dog friends. He's an eager retriever and good swimmer. He loves to help feed "his" horses and share their grain. He is quick to respond to commands and is very affectionate and loving.
Breed: Miniature F1B Goldendoodle
Color: Red (BBeeDD)
Weight: 22 pounds
Height: 18 inches
Hips: OFA - Good (finals)
Eyes: CERF – Normal
Progressive Retinal Atrophy prcd type (prcd_PRA) - Optigen - Clear by parentage
Progressive Retinal
Atrophy GR_PRA1 type (GR_PRA1) - Optigen - Clear by parentage
Progressive Retinal
Atrophy GR_PRA2 type (GR_PRA2) - Optigen - Clear by parentage
Elbows: OFA - Normal (finals)
Heart: Cardiologist - OFA – Normal
Thyroid: OFA - Normal
Legg-Calve-Perthes Disease: OFA - Normal
vonWillebrand's Disease (vWD) - VetGen - Clear by parentage
Patella: OFA -
Ichthyosis (skin disorder): Optigen - Clear by parentage |


Strawberry is our beautiful apricot Standard Poodle. He has retired to his guardian
home. He is Bindi's dad (see above), Naiya's grandpa, Casey Bear and Rusty's great grandpa and Mango's great-great grandpa (see our PARENT DOGS page). He still loves to be silly and playful but even when he was
a rambunctious puppy he knew enough to be gentle with the tiny kittens
who share his guardian home. He carries the best characteristics
of the standard poodle with his elegant stride, his loyal intelligence,
and his affectionate personality. He has a soft wool coat which
falls in loose curls when it's long. He has produced some beautiful
litters at Aspen Hill! |

Strawberry |
Jasper is a smart and affectionate Standart Poodle, he's a truly amazing companion. He is Sunshine's father (see above) and Kyle, Kaya and Buckster's grandfather (see our PARENT DOGS page). He's Hazel Moonlight, and Zinnia's great-grandfather. Easy-going and happy-go-lucky, he loves to do tricks for a toy or a treat. He knows more than 10 tricks in English and Sign Language! He enjoys challenges like rolling his treat ball around for hours to get a piece of kibble, even though his bowl is full of the exact same food! Also, playing "pick-one!" (where's the toy or treat?) under one of three cans, or in which hand. When he wants something, he will come stare at his owner with his head tilted to one side while she goes through a list of possibilities: "do you want a drink of water? To go night-night? To have a party? To get a bath? To play with Tyler? To go for a walk? A cookie? Some puppy chow? Your crocodile? To get a haircut?" and much more! He will bark at the right suggestion. He loves to nap in the window seat and always protects the house from the UPS man.

Cloudy is a comedian
and a love. He's a miniature poodle. He is Gracie's dad and Sawyer's granddad. Fanny is his great-granddaughter.He likes to sleep with his head on his guardian's pillow.
He watches TV, and when there are dogs on the screen, he'll stand
up on his hind legs and "talk" to the dogs, as if he's
trying to say words. When it snows he tries to catch the flakes
in his front paws, like a kitten! He loves to play with empty water
bottles, and can catch them as if they were balls, then he tosses
them and crackles them until the crackle wears out! His playfulness
is infectious. He's attentive and never misses anything.
His coat is silky with soft wool curls. |

Cloudy |
Casey Bear
Casey is a Miniature Australian Goldendoodle, very much like his mom Naiya (above). His father is an Australian Labradoodle. His sweetness harkens back to his great, great grandma Penny (see Penny above) and his clownishness back to his grandpa Tino (above). He doesn't know a stranger and adores being cuddled and petted. He has a wonderful, soft coat. He knows his many toys by name, and will go find the one you ask for. If he doesn't understand something, he'll cock his head as he tries to figure it out. He loves the water and he's always ready to play! You can see a photo of him as a puppy with the rest of his litter towards the bottom of our PUPPIES page. He produced some beautiful puppies. He's enjoying a happy retirement with his family in Parker.

Casey Bear |
The Buckster is a playful, enthusiastic Medium F1B Goldendoodle. His mom is Sunshine (on this page). His dad is a small standard poodle. His grandparents are Hallie and Jasper. You can see him as a puppy with his litter, towards the bottom of the PUPPIES page. Buckster is the delight of his guardian family and wears his Bronco sweater on game day! He loves his toys, especially his purple dinosaur. He's athletic and enjoys hikes and jogging and rides in the car. He gets many comments on how cute he is! He is enjoying his retirement! |
Kyle is our Medium F1B Goldendoodle. His mom is our Sunshine and his dad is our Milo (on this page and on our PARENT DOGS page). His grandparents are Hallie and Jasper. His daughters are Hazel and Zinnia (on our PARENT DOGS). He has a lovely soft coat and a delightful personality. His favorite game is fetch in the lake, he's a great swimmer! He is eternally positive, even convincing grumpy older dogs to play. He loves hiking and camping and cuddling. He takes treats very gently and actually chews all of his food! He enjoys blowing bubbles in his water bowl through his nose! He brings his leash when his "mom" puts her shoes on, knowing it's time for a walk ( like his grandma Hallie.) He watches smiling out the front window for his humans to return home. You can see a photo of him as a puppy with the rest of his litter towards the bottom of our PUPPIES page. He's enjoying his retirement, especially visits with his daughter Zinnia! |